Thank you for adopting

You have done something very special! You’ve helped us get another animal out of a research facility, to live freely as a cherished pet and companion. You have literally changed their lives forever.

You can download a copy of our Adoption Agreement here.

We can’t do our work without the support of people like you. So, we’d like to say “thank you” from the bottom of our hearts.

Here are some images that you can download and use however you like, to help spread the word about rehoming animals from research. To download just right click on the image and select “Save Image As” and then you can save the image to your computer or hold you finger on the image which will give you a save option on your phone:

Here are some of the beautiful creatures whose lives are transformed, thanks to the support of people like you!

Liberty Foundation

Liberty Foundation (Aust) Limited is a not-for-profit organisation. It aims to facilitate the release, rehabilitation and rehoming of animals from research establishments in Australia in order that they may live out the course of their natural lives free from research and scientific experimentation.