Although we’re running a bit late with our annual update, it really is one of my favourite times of year. Writing this report gives me a chance to pause and consider the work we’ve done over the previous year, which never fails to fill me with hope and motivation. You can read our annual update here.
I think it would be fair to say this year has been Year of the Guinea Pig! We were fortunate enough to spend the first six months of 2023 calendar year working with a research establishment for the first time, assisting them in rehoming their colony.
This group of guinea pigs had been well cared for, which made it easier for them to transition to different environments and enjoy their new homes.
This contributed to our biggest year yet in terms of rehoming numbers. From July 2022 to June 2023 we rehomed 148 animals (up from 116 the previous year which at that time was a record number). These included dogs, rabbits, rats, mice and of course our beloved guinea pigs.

By the end of the financial year we had rehomed around 620 animals since we commenced operations in late 2017.
It’s amazing to think how far we’ve come from humble beginnings with our first group of ratties (may they rest in peace) to provide a lifeline for so many more precious creatures.
Part of our success lies in our singular focus and drive, which has remained the same since we began: to facilitate the release, rehabilitation and rehoming of animals from research.
The needs of the animal are at the centre of everything we do: they are our primary “stakeholder” and are recipients of all our resources, efforts and funds.
While the animals are our first priority, we know that without people there would be no rehoming movement in Australia.
Over the past year we have continued to raise awareness about the benefits and opportunities of rehoming and made presentations and provided information in numerous forums.

Our work within the research sector is ongoing and we have received enquiries from research establishments keen to learn more or sign rehoming agreements with us.
We hope to have some new animals coming through in 2024 as a result of successful engagement with research establishments over the last few years.
We are very proud of what we have achieved this year with rehoming the guinea pig colony but there is no way we could undertake rehoming of this scale without help. We rehomed 42 guinea pigs directly and had assistance from sanctuaries and carers to rehome another 92 animals.
We’d like to acknowledge some special people who have been true heroes, including Ali, Aline, Amy, Ann-Marie, Chels, Donna, Glenys, Kasey, Kristen, Louise, Lyn, Oscar and Dr Kat. As well as our wonderful adopters who have taken these beautiful little piggies into their hearts and homes.

We have a few guinea pigs still looking for their forever homes but we’re sure it won’t be long before they all have a family to call their own.
We were also pleased to release our guidelines for piggie housing this year, which has meant our rehomed animals are living in the highest standards of housing and receiving the best care.
I’m fortunate to be supported by two dedicated fellow directors, Michelle and Carol, who have given their time freely over many years to oversee the charity and attended eight meetings during 2022-23.
Finally, I’d like to thank our generous donors and loyal supporters, who make it possible for us to continue our work and help us spread the good news about rehoming.
We couldn’t do this work without you, so on behalf of myself, my fellow directors and the animals, thank you one and all!
Best wishes,
Paula Wallace
Director and Founder
You can access our 2022-23 annual update here.